Ravi Teja's Mirapakay, being directed by Harish Shankar, has completed its shooting part and is gearing up for grand release on December 23. Says producer Ramesh Puppala: "We shot the movie in beautiful locations like Switzerland, Bangkok, Rajamundry and Hyderabad. This is our first film production and we are happy that we completed it without any hiccups. So we are planning to release the audio on December 5th and the movie on Dec 23."
The film has Richa and Deeksha Seth as heroines and Taman as music director. Producer hopes that the director Harish's taking style and Ravi Teja's brand of entertainment would make the movie big success.
The film has Richa and Deeksha Seth as heroines and Taman as music director. Producer hopes that the director Harish's taking style and Ravi Teja's brand of entertainment would make the movie big success.