Remake of Love Aaj Kal starring Pawan Kalyan and Trisha has completed a major part of the shooting in South Africa recently. A song was also shot on the lead pair at the scenic locations. New schedule will be commenced shortly after the strike in Tollywood ends. Jayant C Paranji is directing the movie while Trivikram is penning the dialogues. Pawan Kalyan sports two different looks for the movie as he dons two different roles.
Manisharma is scoring the music and the movie is being produced by Ganesh Babu and is presented by Bade Ravi.The film is expected to hit the screens on March 28, 2011.
Manisharma is scoring the music and the movie is being produced by Ganesh Babu and is presented by Bade Ravi.The film is expected to hit the screens on March 28, 2011.