Krishnudu starrer ‘Ramadandu’ is being filmed by director Satish Vegesna on soccer backdrop casting many children in central roles. Bandi Radhika Narayana Rao and Bandi Ratna Kumar are jointly producing this flick under Nava Chitralaya Creations banner. Krishnudu plays the team coach and the team consists of real football players from Rajahmundry and Kakinada. The entire film was shot in a span of 35 days only with the help of cameraman Sarath. The producers informed that the film is currently in post production works and that the film would be released very soon.
While the child artists are Teja, Chaitanya, Ajay & master Bharath, other prominent artists in the film are MS Narayana, Kondavalasa, Kalyani, Prithvi, Jhansi, Sowmya, Drasharamam Saroja, etc.
While the child artists are Teja, Chaitanya, Ajay & master Bharath, other prominent artists in the film are MS Narayana, Kondavalasa, Kalyani, Prithvi, Jhansi, Sowmya, Drasharamam Saroja, etc.