Srikanth-Vimala Raman starrer ‘Ranga The Donga’ is all set to hit theaters on December 30th. The film is director by Sudhakar Naidu (GV) and also produced by him along with CR Manohar under Golden Lion Films and God Father Films banners. Srikanth plays a dual role and one of them is the title role. According to director GV, ‘Ranga The Donga’ would be one of the best performance oriented film for Sirkanth in his career. Producer CR Manohar says that Ramya Krishna, who is play a key role gave a stunning performance and it would be the highlight of the film. After ‘Mahatma’, this is Srikanth’s second film with producer CR Manohar. Srikanth said that GV’s dealt the subject very well and crafted it as mass masala commercial movie.