Confirming the news a source from Balaji said, “Initially, Deepika Padukone was to do the role. The casting of the duo together after ‘Love Aaj Kal’ had its appeal. But the actress begged off when she heard that the chote nawab was having second thoughts and that Abhay Deol would fill in for him.”
However Saif decided to stay with the project after a long discussion with Bhardwaj. But now with Deepika gone, there was an urgent need for a leading lady. And since Vidya was a part of Bhardwaj-produced ‘Ishqiya’, the director approached the lass.
As of now the actress and the director are keen to work together in this film and are currently working on the dates. “Balan is already doing ‘Dirty Picture’ with Balaji and ‘Dream Sequence’ will be her second film with the company,” the source added.